Literatur in und nach der DDR
Postponed to 23 February 2021
Festival Hall,
Old Town Hall
Market 1, 04109 Leipzig
Free admission. Registration is requested:
Thirty years after the fall of the Wall, more and more questions are being asked about what remains of the literature written in the German Democratic Republic, about the authors who lived there, and what significance the fall of the Wall actually had for German literary history. The following writers will discuss these questions in two panel discussions:
I. The fall of the Wall:
Caesura, turning point, pause? Volker Braun, Friedrich Dieckmann, Katja Lange-Müller, Irina Liebmann
Presented by: Thorsten Ahrend, Head of Literaturhaus Leipzig
Short break
II. Is there a ‘post East’ poetry? Judith Schalansky Kathrin Schmidt, Ingo Schulze, Lutz Seiler, Presented by: Frieder von Ammon; Professor of Modern German Literature at the University of Leipzig
Organised by the German Academy for Language and Literature, Literaturhaus Leipzig and the Department of Culture of the City of Leipzig