25 November 2015


Award Winners Discuss The Spirit Of The Times – With Freud

Johannes Fried, Michael Hagner und Julia Voss
Chaired by: Helmut Mayer

Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Vortragssaal
Friedensplatz 1
Begins: 6pm

Has scientific writing changed in the way it is prepared and published? And how has the relationship between internal scientific exchange and the communication of content to the public developed?

These are some of the topics of the discussion on the state of scientific prose today, with Johannes Fried (historian, Freud Prize winner 2006), Michael Hagner (science historian, Freud Prize winner 2008) and Julia Voss (art historian and deputy head of the FAZ Feuilleton, Freud Prize winner 2009).
Chaired by Helmut Mayer (Editor FAZ Feuilleton).

Guided tours of the exhibition “Geistesgegenwärtig” before the event at 4.30pm.

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