26 October 2018

Literary Criticism III: Reading Experience Versus Textual Critic

As part of the Autumn Conference

Georg Christoph-Lichtenberg-Haus Dieburger Str. 241
64287 Darmstadt
Admission free

Keynote lectures:
Katharina Herrmann “Between Overproduction and Recombination: Literary Criticism in the Digital Cultural Machine of the Internet”
Lothar Müller “What Counts is the Printed Word. Critical Formats in Print Media"

Katharina Herrmann (54books.de) Lothar Müller (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
Christian Metz (LMU München / Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) Ulrike Sárkány (NDR Kultur) Presented by: Michael Hagner (ETH Zürich)