The Georg Büchner Prize was first established during the Weimar Republic by the State of Hesse. Its purpose was to recognise writers, artists, actors and singers. It was first awarded in 1923 in the state capital, Darmstadt.
Since 1951 the new Büchner Prize has been awarded annually by the German Academy for Language and Literature. According to the charter of the Academy, it is given to authors »writing in the German language whose work is considered especially meritorious and who have made a significant contribution to contemporary German culture.«
The prize is awarded at a ceremony held during the autumn conference of the German Academy in Darmstadt.
The prize currently comes with an award of €50,000.
Born 1/8/1925
Deceased 9/6/2000
Member since 1981
Es ist ihm wie keinem anderen gelungen, sowohl die unfreiwillig komischen wie auch die zutiefst verzweifelten Züge unserer gegenwärtigen Existenz zur Sprache zu bringen und zugleich daran zu erinnern, daß es in der Literatur vor allem auf den Wort-Laut ankommt.
Jury members
Juryvorsitz: Herbert Heckmann
Beda Allemann, Peter Benz (Stadt Darmstadt), Herman Dieter Betz (Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst), Günter Busch, Hans-Martin Gauger, Ludwig Harig, Helmut Heißenbüttel, Hans Paeschke, Lea Ritter-Santini, Bruno Snell (Ehrenpräsident), Dolf Sternberger (Ehrenpräsident), Bernhard Zeller, Ernst Zinn