German Translator`s Fund/Literary Colloquium Berlin
Am Sandwerder 5, 14109 Berlin
Alida Bremer
(* 1959) writes and translates essays, prose and poetry. She was granted the Grenzgänger-scholarship for her novel OLIVA'S GARDEN (2017). She was highly awarded for her translations from Croatian and Serbian into German. For the poetry anthology GRAND TOUR. A VOYAGE THROUGH THE YOUNG EUROPEAN POETRY (2019), she translated poems by Tomica Bajsić, Ana Brnardić, Asmir Kujovic, Marko Pogačar et al. from the Croatian and Bosnian. (Germany / Serbia)
Sasha Dugdale
(* 1974) has published four collections of poetry, most recently JOY (2017). The title poem „Joy“ won the 2017 Forward Prize for Best Single Poem. She is a translator of Russian poetry and plays and former editor of MODERN POETRY IN TRANSLATION. (United Kingdom)
Marie Luise Knott
(* 1953) is an author, critic and translator. She has i. a. translated Anne Carson and has a regular online column on contemporary poetry (“Tagtigall”). Most recently, she published an essay book about German artists in the Weimar Republic (Matthes and Seitz, 2017.) She is member of the board of Deutscher Übersetzerfonds.
Marko Pogačar
(* 1984) has published 11 books of poetry, essays and prose, for which he received Croatian and international awards. In 2014 he edited the YOUNG CROATIAN LYRIC anthology. His books and texts appeared in more than 30 languages. (Croatia)
Gregor Seferens
(*1964) works since 1994 as a literary translator from Dutch to German, journalist and occasional actor. Among the authors translated by him belong Harry Mulisch, Maarten Hart, Hella S. Haasse and Anna Enquist. He was awarded the Else Otten Prize for translation and the James Brockway Prize. (Germany)
Mustafa Stitou
(* 1974) is one of the leading Dutch poets of his generation. He has published several collections of poetry, including “Mijn Vormen” (“My Forms”, 1994), “Varkensroze Ansichten” (“Pig-Pink Picture Postcards”, 2003), winner of the VSB Poetry Prize, and “Tempel” (“Temple”, 2013), winner of the Awater Poetry Prize. (Netherlands)
Jan Wagner
(* 1971) is a poet, translator of English poetry, essayist and critic. He received numerous scholarships and awards for his work, most recently the Georg Büchner Prize (2017). Together with his Italian colleague Federico Italiano, he is editor of the anthology GRAND TOUR. A VOYAGE THROUGH THE YOUNG EUROPEAN POETRY (2019). Jan Wagner is a member of the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung and other academies and lives in Berlin. (Germany)