Leipziger Debatte über Literatur

In Germany, there is a network of literature promotion that has grown over decades: from public programs at the federal, state and local levels to the work of numerous foundations and private patronage. Some people talk about a rich supply of funding, others see it as a survival aid for a chronically underfunded sector. The established system of literary promotion was almost completely suspended with the outbreak of the Corona pandemic and the widespread collapse of the literary establishment. Extensive funds - from the public sector as well as from private sponsors - had to be mobilized to secure the existence of literary life. But what will happen now that the Corona aid programs have ended? Because one thing is certain: The diversity of literary life will continue to be increasingly threatened in the future. What challenges must literary promotion face? What can, what must we expect from it?
Discussion with actors in literary life on may 5, 2023 at the Literaturhaus Leipzig