
The »Sigmund-Freud-Preis für wissenschaftliche Prosa« (Prize for Academic Prose) was first awarded by the German Academy for Language and Literature in 1964.
It is granted to scholars who publish in German and contribute decisively to the development of language usage in their fields of study through excellent linguistic style.
The Sigmund Freud Prize is sponsored by the HSE Foundation and is awarded annually at the autumn conference of the German Academy in Darmstadt.
The prize has been endowed with €20,000 since 2013.

Odo Marquard

Born 26/2/1928
Deceased 9/5/2015
Member since 1995

Odo Marquard, dem es in seinen Schriften gelungen ist, schwierige Gedanken so anmutig auszudrücken, daß der Leser das Fürchten verlernt...

Jury members
Juryvorsitz: Vizepräsident Herbert Heckmann (geschäftsführend)
Vizepräsidenten Ludwig Harig, Eva Zeller, Beisitzer Beda Allemann, Geno Hartlaub, Hans Paeschke, Lea Ritter-Santini, Bernhard Zeller, Ernst Zinn, Ehrenpräsidenten Dolf Sternberger, Bruno Snell