
The »Sigmund-Freud-Preis für wissenschaftliche Prosa« (Prize for Academic Prose) was first awarded by the German Academy for Language and Literature in 1964.
It is granted to scholars who publish in German and contribute decisively to the development of language usage in their fields of study through excellent linguistic style.
The Sigmund Freud Prize is sponsored by the HSE Foundation and is awarded annually at the autumn conference of the German Academy in Darmstadt.
The prize has been endowed with €20,000 since 2013.

Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker

Philosopher and Physicist
Born 28/6/1912
Deceased 28/4/2007
Member since 1950

Ihm ist es gelungen, in seinem Werk selbst schwierigste Sachverhalte in einer anmutigen und gleichwohl präzisen Sprache darzustellen...

Jury members
Juryvorsitz: Präsident Herbert Heckmann
Vizepräsidenten Walter Helmut Fritz, Hans-Martin Gauger, Hartmut von Hentig, Beisitzer Georg Hensel, Michael Krüger, Lea Ritter-Santini, Guntram Vesper, Peter Wapnewski, Hans Wollschläger, Ehrenpräsident Dolf Sternberger