
The »Friedrich-Gundolf-Preis« has been awarded by the German Academy for Language and Literature since 1964.
As a »Prize for German Scholarship Abroad«, for 25 years it was exclusively awarded to linguists and literary scholars at foreign universities.
However, the prize has also been awarded to persons outside of academia who are committed to imparting German culture and cultural dialog since the prize was renamed the »Friedrich-Gundolf-Preis für die Vermittlung deutscher Kultur im Ausland« (Prize for the Imparting of German Culture Abroad) in 1990.
The Friedrich Gundolf Prize is awarded annually at the spring conference of the German Academy. It has been endowed with €20,000 since 2013.

Gundolf Prize 2025

The German Academy for Language and Literature has awarded its »Friedrich-Gundolf-Preis für die Vermittlung deutscher Kultur im Ausland« (prize for the Imparting of German culture abroad) to Rüdiger Görner. The prize carries a cash award of 20.000 €.

The Gundolf prize will be presented on April 5th 2025 in Bolzano as part of the academy conference.

Press release (in German)

Gustav Korlén

Born 27/1/1915
Deceased 10/10/2014
Member since 1960

... als Lehrer, Forscher und Vermittler der deutschen Sprache und Literatur in Schweden...

Jury members
Kommission: Fritz Martini, Peter de Mendelssohn

Mitglieder des Erweiterten Präsidiums