The »Johann-Heinrich-Voß-Preis für Übersetzung« (Prize for Translation) has been awarded by the German Academy for Language and Literature since 1958 for the »outstanding achievements in translation,« with a particular emphasis on the translation of literature into German.
The prize is awarded annually at the spring conference of the German Academy.
The Johann Heinrich Voß Prize has been endowed with €20,000 since 2002.
The German Academy for Language and Literature is awarding the Johann-Heinrich-Voß-Preis 2025 (prize for translation) to Stefan Moster
The prize carries a cash award of 20.000 €.
The Voß prize will be presented on April 5th 2025 in Bolzano as part of the academy conference.
Writer and Translator
Born 13/6/1957
... für seine Übertragung Racinischer Theaterstücke, die seit Lessing im deutschen Sprachraum für nahezu unübersetzbar und deswegen für unaufführbar galten.
Jury members
Kommission: Hanno Helbling, Friedhelm Kemp, Lea Ritter-Santini, Michael Walter, Hans Wollschläger
Mitglieder des Erweiterten Präsidiums